Course Content
0. Before We Begin [🎁 Free]
An introductory segment covering course and instructor details, pricing, scholarships, course purchase instructions, and an overview of the support system including live Q&A sessions and a community group.
3. Securing Your Position [🔒 Paid]
Teaches negotiation skills for maximizing compensation and tips for making a strong first impression in the early days of a new job, followed by a quiz and live interaction.
12. BONUS: Tech Career Mastery for Tech Professionals [🔒 Paid]
Covers foundational concepts for tech careers, specialized tracks, SDLC, project management tools, tech leadership, and ethical considerations in tech, ending with a final live Q&A.
Ultimate Career Course
About Lesson

If you’ve made it to this lesson but are still not purchasing the course because of the price, please contact us via our Scholarship Application (https://nextlevel.airwrk.com/scholarship) form. We’ll be happy to accommodate your learning. 


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